
Crafts are skills learnt during a character's lifetime which allow them to produce something (tangible or intangible). Crafts can be taken to any overall level (e.g. a player gaining two crafts as part of levelling up may take both in Acting). A player may then make use of their craft by describing how they are using it in a particular scenario. In this case the DM will define the benefit given based on the level to which the character has progressed in that craft.


Impersonating other people, modifying voice, stance and appearance to suit characteristics of others.


The design and knowledge of buildings of various sizes and constructions.

Brewing (Alcohol)

The preparation of fruit, vegetable and honey then subsequent fermentation into alcoholic drinks.

Brewing (Herbs)

The drying and preparation of herbs and their use in hot and cold draughts.


The preparation of ground for rough living, the creation of tents, dens and other shelters from natural resources.


The drawing and scaling of maps for travel and exploration.


Telling jokes, performing physical humour and pleasing a crowd or a small gathering.


The preparation of meat, vegetables, fruits and grains for small meals and large banquets.


The art of producing meshed garments from balls of yarn using a single hook.


Moving and contorting one's body to glow with rhythm and melody for entertainment and distraction.


The preparation of soil, sowing of seeds and growing of plants for good as well as the care and use of farm animals.


The creation of intricate and beautiful metal, wood and stone work to be worn as adornment.


The art of producing meshed garments from balls of yarn using a pair of needles.


The use of prepared leather to fashion small garments, fixings and devices. Advanced knowledge of the craft may allow the making of armour.


The creation of intricate and complex metal shapes and objects using soldering, welding, shaping and filing


The creation of beautiful works of art by the use of coloured mixtures on parchment, fabric or stone.


Setting words to metre or verse to tell stories, evoke emotions and entertain people.


Shaping clay into pots, bowls, cups, vases and other useful objects.


Joining fabric with thread to make clothes, bags, sails and other textile items.


Controlling one's voice to make beautiful music to calm, invigorate or otherwise entertain people.


The preparation of raw wool and flax into spun yarns and threads for use in sewing, knitting and crochet.


The preparation of animal hide into leather and suede for use in garments and other items.


Working threads of fabric back and forth to make simple and colour-worked garments, blankets and sheets.


Cutting, turning and shaping wood to make bowls, plates, furniture and simple weapons.


Setting words to a page to tell a story, keep an account or hold a register of events.