Magical Ranged Weapons

Artisans of Mithrym long ago devised methods to build magical charges into devices that could then discharge them on command. A wand is a single handed device, sometimes shaped with a curve and a trigger to be held like a pistol. A staff, being larger, requires a second hand to steady it but takes much the same shape. A turret is freestanding and discharges a loaded cartridge as soon as anyone or anything moves directly in front of it within 20 m or it is triggered by an operator.

All devices use pre-built cartridges containing the magical charge. Once used, a cartridge is burnt out and cannot be re-used or re-filled. Charges take one action to be poured into the weapon from their cartridge and another action to be used.

Use of a Ranged Magical Weapon requires the enemy to roll a DC 15 Dexterity check. If successful, any other creatures in range must also roll the same check until the range of the weapon has been reached or a solid object is in the way.

Objects hit by Ranged Magical Weapons are set on fire, frozen or electrified according to the weapon used.

Weapon Cost Damage Hands Range
Fire Wand100 gp1d10120 m
Fire Staff250 gp2d10240 m
Fire Turret1,000 gp3d10060 m
Ice Wand100 gp1d10120 m
Ice Staff250 gp2d10240 m
Ice Turret1,000 gp3d10060 m
Lightning Wand100 gp1d10120 m
Lightning Staff250 gp2d10240 m
Lightning Turret1,000 gp3d10060 m

All ranged weapons require ammunition, each according to their type. Once a character has run out of ammunition they can no longer make attacks using that weapon.

Item For Use With Cost Per Item
Fire Cartridge (Small)Fire Wand1 gp
Fire Cartridge (Medium)Fire Staff2 gp
Fire Cartridge (Large)Fire Turret5 gp
Ice Cartridge (Small)Ice Wand1 gp
Ice Cartridge (Medium)Ice Staff2 gp
Ice Cartridge (Large)Ice Turret5 gp
Lightning Cartridge (Small)Lightning Wand1 gp
Lightning Cartridge (Medium)Lightning Staff2 gp
Lightning Cartridge (Large)Lightning Turret5 gp