Ranged Weapons

Ranged weapons are used in combat to attack from a distance and allow for an opponent to be within varying distances from the shooter. Some weapons require two hands to be wielded, others only require one hand. One-handed weapons allow for the wielder to also be holding and using a shield. Ballistas require a team of three to be used.

Weapon Cost Range Damage Hands
Short Bow25 gpup to 50 m1d42
Long Bow30 gpup to 100 m1d62
Light Crossbow40 gpup to 25 m1d61
Heavy Crossbow80 gpup to 50 m1d82
Ballista200 gpup to 150 m1d10 + 26

All ranged weapons require ammunition, each according to their type. Once a character has run out of ammunition they can no longer make attacks using that weapon.

Ammunition For Use With Cost Each
ArrowsBows10 cp
QuarrelsCrossbows1 sp
BoltsBallisas10 sp