Een's Forge
The Creation of Mithrym
It has always been told, every father to his daughter, every mother to her son, how the world was formed in the beginnings of time …
The void was dark and Een worked alone in the forge. The floor was cold and the lofty roof was filled with silence. Een looked at the Anvil, the Hammer and the Furnace and dreamt of what might be.
Standing up and taking to the bellows, Een pumped breath after breath into the embers which ignited into flames so bright and so hot that all around was illuminated. The warmth felt good and the sparks began to shoot out in all directions, filling the air even up to the darkest of the rafters high above. This is why the sun that shines on us is called the Furness of Een. It’s light and warmth are driven by the hands of the creator and its children, flung far into the void of space, are the stars that guide us in the night.
Next, Een took from the Furness one whole nugget of molten metal, held in a great crucible. It glinted with the fire of the Furness and shone out into the workshop with a gentle glow. Walking to the Anvil, the metal began to cool as Een poured in spices and settings that spun into the mixture forming shapes and forms that shone in the light of the Furnace. And so it was that Mithrym was formed and we call it Een’s Orb, lit by the sun with moving masses of land and water on its surface.
Then Een took up the Hammer and struck the Orb to shape it finely with ridges and valleys, peaks and troughs and the still soft metal began to pour this way and that as it filled the voids. And so it was that Een sent the dragons of old to the surface of Mithrym and they beat the ground with their great wings and scorched the earth with their hot fires and formed the hills, the mountains, the rivers and the lakes that make the world. This is why the dragons are called the Hammer of Een, although they have not been seen for many an age.
Last of all Een looked upon the Orb and smiled for it was beautiful to behold. Placing hands upon it, Een began to caress it carefully and traced out the shapes upon its surface. Each finger placed upon that shining metal began to change it. So it is that the Crafters came to Mithrym, the hands of the Creator placed upon creation.
But that, they would say as the eyes of their child grew heavy and the light of the Furness of Een set beyond the horizon bringing with it the night, that, is another story.