The Creator
"The void was dark and Een worked alone in the forge. The floor was cold and the lofty roof was filled with silence. Een looked at the Anvil, the Hammer and the Furness and dreamt of what might be."
Name: Een
Also Known As: Creator, Father of All, Mother of All, the Blacksmith
Region: All Mithrym
Alignment: None
Een is the creator of Mithrym and, while having never appeared to the people there, is popularly charactarised as a blacksmith who formed the world by casting it in a great furness then shaping and crafting it into its current form. The sun is known as the Furness of Een and the Crafters (the other, lesser deities) are known as the Hands of Een.
Sometimes portrayed as a man, sometimes portrayed as a woman, the oldest texts in Mithrym give no specific gender to the creator. There are no temples dedicated to Een in particular and there are no clerics specifically devoted to Een as their deity however phrases such as "For Een's sake!" and "For the love of Een!" are often spoken.