Ibis and Castilla
The Crafters of Terrania
"Ibis and Castilla loved the Children of Een greatly and so gave them too pets. One fashioned a large hunting creature to be named Dog. The other a smaller but cunning creature to be called Cat. To this day though, the Children of Een still cannot determine which wrought which."
Name: Ibis
Also Known As: Mother of Wisdom, The Loremaiden
Region: Terrania
Alignment: Order
Ibis appears to humans as a woman, tall and beautiful. Sometimes she will appear as an old lady, sometimes as a young maiden. She is drawn by debate and favours those who apply logic and reason to argument.
Name: Castilla
Also Known As: Father of War, The Guildmaster
Region: Terrania
Alignment: Chaos
Castilla appears to humans as a man, strong and fierce. Sometimes he will appear as an aged warrior, sometimes as a young soldier. He is drawn by conflict and excitement and favours those who act on instinct.