
The Corrupter

"Immu then began to whisper into the ears of the Children of Een and told them lies and taught them evil. Some Immu even convinced to call themselves the Children of Immu and they did the dark bidding of their new master. This saddened Een, who called down to Immu in the living daylight so that all would hear. 'Enough! Be gone from the world! Sit in your hall and be frozen! Leave my children be! I shall find Crafters more loyal!'"

Name: Immu

Also Known As: The First Born, The Curruptor, Lord of Dragons, Father of Beasts, Mother of Monsters, The False Creator

Region: The Frozen Wastes

Alignment: None

Immu was the first of the Crafters to be created by Een and had responsibility over the Dragons that shaped the world when it was young. Immu's arrogance and reluctance to hand over the world to humanity resulted in banishment to the Frozen Wastes at the very south of Mithrym. Before being banished, Immu moved among humanity, taking human form and sometimes appearing as a man, sometimes as a woman. Immu taught humanity hatred and sadism out of a desire to destroy them. The Cult of Immu was formed by those that agreed to turn from Een and worship Immu as their creator instead. Clerics of Immu are adept at Necromancy and all those that follow Immu (calling themselves "Children of Immu") are promised eternal life but are doomed to become undead monsters after death.

Immu takes delight in corrupting humans into becoming undead but also fashioned Kobolds, Goblins and Orcs in the style of humanity as an insult and a taunt with which to task them.