Orha and Ankha

The Crafters of Arrenia

"Together they formed a single beast that would both hunt and quarrel but also question and learn. They called it Monkey."

Name: Orha

Also Known As: Lord of Numbers, The Hand that Turns the Wheel

Region: Arrenia

Alignment: Order

Orha appears to humans as a man. Often he will appear old and bent, with a long white beard and a bald head. Sometimes though, he will appear as a young scholar. He is drawn by numbers and designs and favours those who calculate and engineer.

Name: Ankha

Also Known As: Queen of Dreams, The Huntress, Lady of the Spear

Region: Arrenia

Alignment: Chaos

Ankha appears to humans as a woman. Usually she will appear as a tall, strong hunter carrying a spear and shield. Sometimes though, she will appear as a spectral hound, encouraging humans to the hunt. She is drawn by a longing for adventure and favours those with great ambition.