
The time of the Crafters and the rule of magic
0 Een creates the Crafters and sends them in to Mithrym
The Crafters destroy the last of Immu's animals and create the modern animals
The Crafters begin appearing to humans
The first temples are built
Devout followers of the Crafters begin to learn to channel magic through them
Other humans, observing magic, begin to study it scientifically
Through the Crafters, humans learn to smelt metals
1000 Wizarding communities begin to form throughout Mithrym
1100 The first wizard-kings begin to take power
1500 All political power has been siezed by wizarding families
2000 Artisans in Khanath construct the first fire wands
2040 Fire wands are increased in size to produce two-handed staves and siege turrets
2475 Magical researchers in Richten identify Ice and Lightning as serviceable for wands, staves and turrets
2500 Wardens begin to be issued with magical firearms to be used for peace-keeping
2600 Terranian explorers begin charting Mithrym
2610 Terranian settlers form colonies in Arrenia
2615 Terranian colonies in Khanath are destroyed by the empire
2617 Ambassadors from Angmark negotiate trade with Khanath
2700 Terranian settlers reach Pulvisia
2710 James, Nelson and Hubert Smith form Governorships of the islands in Pulvisia
2750 The empire of Orrona is overthrown by Terranian colonists
3000 Present day Mithrym