Cleric Magic

For their devotion to the Crafters, the Clerics of Mithrym have been taught to manipulate the magic of the world.

Turning Undead

The undead of Mithrym fall into one of three forms. Zombies, Skeletons or Ghosts. In all cases the creature was once a human who was convinced to join the Cult of Immu. As such they were denied access to the afterlife by the other Crafters and must remain alive yet not alive and are answerable to a Priest or Wizard of Immu. When commanded to, Zombies and Skeletons will attack. Ghosts are often used as spies and scouts. In any case, a Cleric may turn them away in one of two ways ...

Clerics of the Crafters

A Cleric of one of the six loyal crafters may attempt to convince the undead to come back to Een and denounce Immu. This requires a Charisma Check from the Cleric. Success means that the undead human passes over to the afterlife and their remains fall to the ground. If the necromancer responsible for the undead creature is present then the Charisma Check should be competitive between the two.

Clerics of Immu

A Cleric of Immu may attempt to gain control of the undead. This is done the same way as a Cleric of the Crafters (by a Charisma Check) but with the option that the Cleric of Immu may either command the undead to disengage (fall to the floor and play dead) or fight for them for the remainder of the battle. The latter requires concentration.

Concentration is lost if the cleric takes damage.

If concentration is lost then the undead returns to its hostile state. There is no limit to the number of undead a Cleric of Immu may perform this on in one battle however they may only turn one undead per round and if concentration is lost then all turned undead under their command become hostile again.

Undead Turn Undead
Zombie DC 15 Charisma Check
Skeleton DC 18 Charisma Check
Ghost DC 21 Charisma Check

An undead that has been turned by a Cleric of the Crafters will never re-animate. An undead that has been commanded to play dead by a Cleric of Immu will re-animate the following day.

Simple Spells

All Clerics can perform small acts of divine magic by invoking the name of their god. This does not require preparation as these spells are so well learnt during their training that they require little-to-no recollection.

Level Number of Simple Spells
1 to 3 2
4 to 6 4


Priests and Healers, as ministers of their churches, are able to perform particular spells as part of a formal ritual. These rituals require thirty minutes to be properly completed but a spell performed in this way may be done repeatedly without preparation or rest. If a Cleric performs continuous rituals for more than sixteen hours without rest however, they will need to begin checking for fatigue.

Level 1st Level
2nd Level
3rd Level
1 1 - -
2 2 - -
3 2 1 -
4 2 2 -
5 2 2 1
6 2 2 2