Necromancy Spells

The following spells are available to Necromancers (Wizards that worship Immu) in addition to the normal set of spells. Restrictions of number of known Simple Spells and availability of Advanced Spell Slots still apply.

Simple Spells

Drain Life

Casting Time
1 Action


  • Necrotic energy flows from your hand into a character, creature or monster you touch. The target takes 1d8 damage and you regain the same number of hit points. Additionally, the target cannot take a reaction until the start of their next turn.

Necrotic Shield

Casting Time
1 Action
3 m


  • A shimmering barrier of necrotic energy appears in front of you, 1.5 m wide and 3 m high. The wall blocks all spell attacks as well as physical ranged attacks. If a person or creature passes through the barrier (including attacking through it) they take 1d8 damage.

Necrotic Splash

Casting Time
1 Action
20 m


  • You shoot out a ball of necrotic energy. Choose one creature within range, or choose two creatures within range that are within 1 m of each other. A target must succeed on a DC 12 Dexterity check or take 1d8 damage.

1st Level Spells


Casting Time
1 minute
Until killed or dispelled


  • A creature you touch is transformed into your likeness. While in this form you control its movement and may have it speak in your voice. You cannot experience any of its senses though and if it moves more than 25 m away from you then it stands idle until you come near again. If attacked, the creature retains its original Armour Class and may make an unarmed attack based on its own natural melee attacks.

Minion of the Earth

Casting Time
1 minute
Until destroyed or dispelled


  • Through ritual chanting, you bring humanoid form to a patch of earth. Rising to stand and await command, the creature may be directed to perform simple tasks with a Strength of 10 and a Dexterity of 8. The creature has no intelligence and no real awareness of its own. If commanded to attack, it makes a single melee attack per round with its arms, +0 to hit, doing 1d4 damage. The creature has an Armour Class of 10, 8 hit points and a speed of 3 m per round.

2nd Level Spells

Soul Swap

Casting Time
1 Action


  • A soul trapped with Soul Trap may be transferred to another human. The person must be willing or fail on a DC 15 Wisdom check. The soul of the human upon whom this is cast is then held within the Soul Trap instead.

Soul Trap

Casting Time
1 Day (to create)
1 Action (to activate)
Until disarmed or destroyed


  • Requires the preparation in advance of a Trap. The trap can take any shape but traditionally would be a straw doll or a precious stone. The Trap takes 1 day to prepare and may hold one soul. The Trap is activated in one round and will then trap the soul of the first human to touch it. The Trap may be disarmed by the caster or destroyed with fire. If a soul is contained therein, it is freed if dispelled by the caster or destroyed if burned with fire.

3rd Level Spells


Casting Time
1 Action
1 minute


  • You attempt to beguile a human you can see within 20 m. They must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom check or be charmed by you for the next minute. While the target is charmed, you have a telepathic link with them. You may use this telepathic link to issue commands to them while you are conscious (no action required), which it does its best to obey. You may specify a simple and general course of action, such as “Attack that creature,” “Run over there,” or “Fetch that object.” If the target completes the order and does not receive further direction from you, they defend and preserve themself to the best of their ability.

Second Life

Casting Time
1 Reaction


  • As a reaction to your hit points dropping to 0 you may regain your full hit points but become fatigued. The spell may be cast only once before a rest regardless of available spell slots.