
Clerics are the loyal and devoted followers of the Crafters. Each has joined a monastery of their chosen deity and trained hard to learn the ways of their teachings. In all the lands of Mithrym there are four types of Cleric …


A Paladin is a warrior-monk who has sworn to lead the charge for their deity, figuratively and literally. Typically seen in armour and carrying a weapon these zealous Clerics are loyal, devoted and strict in their discipline and their outlook on life.


A Priest is a Cleric that has devoted their life to study and self-betterment. They have spent many years learning all the writings and lore of their own deity and likely of the whole pantheon. They are keen historians and devoted to the study of their own deity's powers and gifts.


A Healer is a Cleric that, whilst remaining at their monastery or temple, has devoted their life to helping others. They are well versed in the ways of medicine and work as surgeons and hospitallers. Their pursuit of knowledge whilst more focused on the practical than the abstract, is no less strong than that of the Priests.


An Administrator is a Cleric that has devoted their life to serving others. They have learnt literacy and numeracy and use them both to help individuals, enterprises and governments to keep ordered and proper records that enable the smooth running of the world.

All clerics have a hit dice of: d8

Class Bonuses

Level Bonus
1 SYMPATHETIC EAR: You gain +1 to your Persuasion skill.
3 DEVOUT: You gain +3 to initiative when fighting against undead (or alongside them for followers of Immu).
5 NOT TODAY!: Once per day, if you fail an Ability Check you may choose to succeed it instead.

Sub-Class Bonuses

Level Type Crafter Bonus
1 Paladin All HOLY SHIELD: By invoking the name of their deity, a paladin can make a spectral shield appear on their arm giving a bonus of +1 to their AC. If they are hit by an attack, they must succeed on a DC 10 Constution check or lose focus. If the check is failed the shield disappears for a minimum of three rounds.
1 Healer All SURGEON’S BAG: The surgeon’s bag allows a Healer to produce the same number of minor healing potions per day as their level.
1 Priest Ibis & Casilla DIVINE FORESIGHT: A Priest of Ibis or Casilla may pray for foresight once per level per day. The answer given will indicate whether a planned action is likely to be good or bad for the Priest.
1 Priest Orha & Ankha DIVINE KNOWLEDGE: A Priest of Orha or Ankha may pray for knowledge about an item or place once per level per day. The answer given will be objectively factual and will not contain any opinions or notions of good or evil.
1 Priest Hokki & Bamma FAMILIAL FORM: A Priest of Hokki or Bamma can transform themselves into an animal form for ten minutes per level per day. Each Priest chooses their animal form when they begin their training and may only transform into that animal.
1 Priest Immu SKELETAL MINION: A novice Priest of Immu is given the skeletal remains of another novice that died in training. They can command it up to two times a day for a maximum of half an hour. When not in use, the bones are kept in a bag or trunk.
1 Administrator All LEDGER: Administrators of all orders are given a divine ledger upon completion of their training. It automatically holds a history of conversations with full accuracy of wording. The ledger only holds direct speech spoken by or directly to the Administrator.
3 Paladin All HOLY LIGHT: Experienced Paladins, may cause a light to shine from an object they own. This is caused by an attunement made over time and so applies only to a named object. If that object is lost, stolen or destoryed, this bonus is lost.
3 Healer All APOTHECARY’S TOOLKIT: An experienced Healer is able to produce the same number of doses of antidotes per day as their level.
3 Priest Ibis & Casilla DIVINE INSIGHT: A Priest of Ibis or Casilla may pray for insight once per level per day. The answer given will indicate whether another person is being truthful or lying. If the person in question is unaware that what they said is not true, this will still be percieved as truth by the Priest.
3 Priest Orha & Ankha DIVINE UNDERSTANDING: A Priest of Orha or Ankha may pray for understanding about a craft or activity once per level per day. For 10 minutes they will have an uncanny knowledge of how to perform that craft or how to complete the given activity.
3 Priest Hokki & Bamma FAMILIAL FRIEND: A Priest of Hokki or Bamma over time forms a spiritual connection with a creature they have met on their journeys. This creature will follow them wherever they go and, with a Normal Nature check, the Priest may issue commands to the creature. If the creature is killed then this bonus is lost. If the creature is separated from the Priest, it will find its way to them as quickly as it is able to.
3 Priest Immu ANIMATE DEAD: Accomplished priests of Immu may begin to re-animate anyone who had converted to worshiping Immu. The body may be prepared in order to create a Skeleton (taking 1 hour) or animated as-is to create a Zombie (taking 1 minute). At higher levels, a priest may do so with multiple bodies at a time (2 at level 4, 3 at level 5, and so on). The undead remain under the command of the priest (or an alternate commander they have named) until successfully turned by another Cleric.
3 Administrator All MEMORY: Experienced Administrators can recollect details of a conversation without taking notes. While it is widely known that this is possible, it is not considered legally binding and so only benefits the Administrator when recollecting what to do, where to go or what is needed.
5 Paladin All HOLY WEAPON: A Paladin that achieves this bonus can, as a bonus action, cause a spectral weapon to appear in their hand. The weapon can take whatever shape they choose however it performs as a Melee weapon and does 1d8 + 2 damage on a successful hit. When combat ends, the weapon disappears.
5 Healer All INVIGORATING TONIC: An experienced Healer is able to produce a tonic that gives the drinker 5 temporary hit points. The Healer can produce the same number of doses per day as their level.
5 Priest Ibis & Casilla DIVINE DIRECTION: A Priest of Ibis or Casilla may pray for direction once per day. Doing so, they must name a location to which they are trying to get and for 30 minutes they will see a spectral line showing them the way there.
5 Priest Orha & Ankha DIVINE POSESSION: A Priest of Orha or Ankha may pray once per day that they complete a single task. Immediately they become possessed by their god and complete the task without requiring any ability checks. Once complete, they have no memory of how they did it or what transpired during the execution of the task. Tasks must be for a single action or goal and cannot involve multiple named steps.
5 Priest Hokki & Bamma FAMILIAL TELEPATHY: A Priest of Hokki or Bamma, having come to know their familial animal friend well, gains a telepathic link to it. With this link they can see through its eyes and send commands at any distance. A Normal Nature check is still required to make sure the animal does as commanded.
5 Priest Immu RAISE DEAD: Highly accomplished priests of Immu may, in stead of creating an undead creature from a corpse, fully revive the human. Doing so requires their soul to be willing and will mean that they are marked as a follower of Immu (and may be raised as undead after they die again regardless of their previous faith/religeon). Raising takes 8 hours to complete.
5 Administrator All RESTORE: A highly accomplished Administrator can restore a document, record or other written item whether it has been torn, shredded or even burnt.

Sub-Class Abilities

Level Type Ability
1 Paladin RIGHTEOUS ANGER: Advantage on attacks but disadvantage on defense. Righteous Anger begins as a bonus action with effect shown on the next round. Righteous Anger ends when combat is finished however it can be ended by the Cleric as an Action.
1 Healer BIND WOUNDS: An action requiring two rounds, a Cleric may bind the wounds of a fallen ally that is unconscious but not dead, restoring them to 1 hit point. If the cleric takes damage before completing the second round of this ability they must start over on the next round.
1 Priest BLESSING: Requiring one round to complete, blessing offers advantage to all allies for the remainder of combat.
1 Administrator OFFICE WORKER: +2 on all Intelligence checks.


Proficiency in a weapon adds +1 to attack rolls made using that weapon. Skill proficiencies give +1 to the chosen ability (Academia, Brawm, etc). Craft proficiencies give +1 to any check involving that craft. A full list of crafts can be found here.

These numbers represent the total number of each proficiency at a given level, not the number of new proficiencies at that level.

Level Weapons Skills Crafts
1 0 0 0
2 0 2 1
3 2 4 2
4 2 6 3
5 4 8 4
6 4 10 5