
When Een created the world a power was woven into it to make all things in nature happen. Power by which grass grew, flowers bloomed, rivers ran and fires burned. Some early humans observed this and learned how to manipulate this power for their own ends. These people were called Wizards for they were wise in the ways of science and power. Over the millennia they came to form the ruling class of the world. Most Wizards come from wizarding families who, knowing that magic can bring wealth, do not wish the lower classes to gain power or influence. Sometimes though a gifted child of a non-wizarding family may show enough ability to be trained. In all the lands of Mithrym there are four types of Wizard …


A Mage is a scholar of magic. They will have attended a University and be well versed in lore and history. They are familiar with the laws of conservation of energy and wear charms or carry a specially crafted staff that enables them to perform spells without inadvertently damaging their surroundings.


A Sorcerer is not affiliated with any institution nor were they formally taught how to cast spells. Their ability is innate and somewhat wild. They have learnt to channel magic but not to control it. When a Sorcerer casts a spell, the power for it is drawn from something nearby.


An Artisan has studied magic with a particular focus on practicality. They have learnt to craft magical objects and devices and will often seek employment from a Mage to work with them as an engineer.


A Politician is a Wizard who has studied magic in order to achieve or maintain their social status but either through disinterest or inability in magic itself has chosen rather to use their status to achieve a higher social rank. They are the governors, royalty and emperors of the world.

All wizards have a hit dice of: d6

Class Bonuses

Level Bonus
1 CYPHER: You can write and keep notes in your own hidden code.
3 I WON'T TELL: After a day of deliberate interaction with someone you gain 2 extra levels in Persuasion for checks against them as you learn their secrets.
5 SERVENT: You get an obedient non-combatant sidekick (all ability scores are 10, they have no skill levels, their AC is 10 and they have 12 HP, they cannot participate in combat but can perform tasks, carry messages and look after items).

Sub-Class Bonuses

Level Type Bonus
1 Mages CHANNEL: A graduate Mage receives a device such as a staff, talisman or charm which contains a system to balance the energy used in their spells. If it is lost or stolen then their spell casting has the same environmental effect as a Sorcerer.
1 Sorcerers WILD LIVING: Having gained their magic without formal training, those Sorcerers that survive to adulthood gain a 2 extra levels in Nature.
1 Artisans THINGAMAJIG: In order to graduate, an Artisan must design and construct a device that can be used to perform a set first-level spell on their command. Each Artisan’s Thingamajig is different in appearance and trigger mechanism but may only perform the one spell and do so only for two times the Artisan’s level per day.
1 Politicians PUBLIC FACE: As a well known leader, Politicians gain 1 extra level in Persuasion but lose 1 level in Stealth. At character creation, if the character does not take any levels in Stealth then 1 skill point is forfeit to make up for the negative score.
3 Mages TELECAST: Experienced Mages are capable of doubling the range of the spells they cast.
3 Sorcerers QUIET CAST: Experienced Sorcerers, through their ability to avoid detection or capture, can cast spells without behind heard. As such, if they are already hidden, they may remain so whilst casting.
3 Artisans PRE-LOAD: As an action, experienced Artisans may embed a cantrip into an object and specify a trigger (such as proximity, touch or sound) which will cause the spell to happen. Spells that result in an attack, do so in this case aimed at the first person or creature to trigger the spell. Once cast, the object returns to its normal state.
3 Politicians OFFICE: Established Politicians are granted a building in their town of employment containing a private office and accomodation for up to 4 people.
5 Mages MULTICAST: Very experienced Mages are capable of casting two spells per round.
5 Sorcerers POWER DRAIN: Very experienced Sorcerers may regain a spell slot by drawing it from another Sorcerer or Mage of equal or lower level than themself. This takes 1 round to complete.
5 Artisans TEACHER: Truly skilled Artisans may, as an action, embed a cantrip into a person. The recipient may then cast the cantrip at will. Once cast, the spell has left them and cannot be re-cast until an Artisan prepares them again.
5 Politicians SAFE SEAT: Whenever they are in a town or city, long established Politicians may, by the casting of a small charm, summon the aid of 4 Wardens. The Wardens will protect the Politician and their allies but will not follow orders that would break the law. Each Warden has ability scores of 10, no skill levels, an AC of 12 and 18 HP. They attack using pole-axes (melee) with a +2 to hit and a damage of 1d8 + 2. The Wardens take 1d6 rounds to arrive and will leave if (or as soon as) the Politician is not in immediate physical danger.

Sub-Class Abilities

Level Type Ability
1 Mages LEVEL TEMPER: Having studied hard to maintain balance and composure during spell casting, a Mage gets 2 extra levels in Persuasion.
1 Sorcerers WILD MAGIC: A Sorcerer may give in to the power of the magic they are using and, as such, cast two spells per round. As a result though, they are less aware of their surroundings and enemies gain advantage on attack. Wild Magic may be entered into as a bonus action to begin the following round.
1 Artisans SABOTAGE: An Artisan may spend one round tinkering with an enemy’s magical device in order to Sabotage it. To do so they must be able to hold or touch the item without detection. If Sabotaged, the item will then have disadvantage when used.
1 Politicians ORATOR: A Politician may give a ten minute inspiring speech after which all allies receive 5 temporary hit points. This ability cannot be used cumulatively.


Proficiency in a weapon adds +1 to attack rolls made using that weapon. Skill proficiencies give +1 to the chosen ability (Academia, Brawm, etc). Craft proficiencies give +1 to any check involving that craft. A full list of crafts can be found here.

These numbers represent the total number of each proficiency at a given level, not the number of new proficiencies at that level.

Level Weapons Skills Crafts
1 0 0 0
2 0 4 1
3 2 4 2
4 2 8 3
5 4 8 4
6 4 10 5