Wizard Magic

Through study and experimentation, the Wizards of Mithrym have learnt to manipulate the magic of the world.

Simple Spells

All Wizards can perform small acts of crafted magic by channeling the magic of the world around them. This does not require preparation as these spells are so well practiced that they require little-to-no recollection.

Level Number of Simple Spells
1 to 3 3
4 to 6 4

Advanced Spells

Mages and Sorcerers can manipulate the magic of the world to perform great spells. Each Mage / Sorcerer has a tome of spells from which they cast however they have a limited number of slots for each level of Advanced Spell which they may cast per day. For example, a level 1 Mage has 2 1st level spell slots and may choose from any of the 1st level spells to fill them, even casting the same spell twice. Once all slots have been used, the Wizard must rest to regain them. A higher level slot may be used to cast a lower level spell if desired (e.g. a 2nd level slot may be used to cast a 1st level spell).

When casting a spell, if a Mage has lost their Channel or if the spell is being cast by a Sorcerer then the energy necessary for the spell is drawn from a nearby object. For spells such as Light this may mean that nearby lanterns or fires go out. The GM will describe the repercussion of the spell once it is cast. In these cases the Wizard has no control over this side effect of their spell. Spells cast by Thingamajigs are balanced by the inner workings of the device itself and do not require a Channel.

Spell Slots
Level 1st Level 2nd Level 3rd Level
1 2 - -
2 3 - -
3 4 2 -
4 4 3 -
5 4 4 2
6 4 4 3

Forbidden Magic

Within the world of Mithrym all people worship - and in the case of Clerics are endorsed by - the Crafters. The Crafters are incarnations of Een the Creator which were sent into Mithrym to shape it and to guide the humans there, helping them to learn and to grow. The first of the Crafters was called Immu. His fall from Grace is widely known in Mithrym and he is characterised as the most evil and most wicked and is credited with the creation of all monsters. Followers of Immu, after they die, do not pass on but rather their spirits remain with their bodies. A Cleric of Immu gains certain abilities around the raising and control of the dead however Mages and Sorcerers that worship Immu may also gain particular spells as well.

The Necromancer’s Spellbook is a real item within the game world and if a player chooses to build a character as a Mage or Sorcerer that worships Immu they have a copy of the spellbook on their person at all times. They may have gained this by membership of the Cult of Immu (a widespread, underground association of people throughout Mithrym) or – if they began worshipping Immu by themselves – they will at some point be gifted with a vision from the Fallen Crafter during which they unwittingly write the spells out while they sleep.

Worship of Immu is illegal in all nations of Mithrym and the observed casting of these spells as well as possession of the spellbook itself are both grounds for arrest and are punishable by death. It is therefore important that players consider how their character would go about avoiding this fate and practicing their dark art secretively, avoiding law enforcement.

It is also worth noting that the practice of Sorcery is widely illegal throughout Mithrym too as it is considered “wild magic” without training or regulation. This is a civil matter though and while a Sorcerer may be arrested or detained for casting magic without proper registration it is a civil matter and may be handled with fines or exile rather than a death sentence.